The International Figurative Biennale G
John Natsoulas Gallery
From San Francisco: Take I-80 East, Exit at Richards Blvd towards Downtown Davis. Turn right onto Richards Blvd.
From Sacramento: Take I-80 West, Exit at Richards Blvd North/Downtown Davis. Proceed North, the gallery is in front of you as you emerge from the railway underpass, entering town, on the corner of 1st and E streets.
From San Francisco: Take I-80 East, Exit at Richards Blvd towards Downtown Davis. Turn right onto Richards Blvd.
From Sacramento: Take I-80 West, Exit at Richards Blvd North/Downtown Davis. Proceed North, the gallery is in front of you as you emerge from the railway underpass, entering town, on the corner of 1st and E streets.
Sábado, 10 de septiembre entre 19:00 y 21:00 en PDT
Del 31 de Agosto al 24 de Septiembre del 2.016
Dingo Babusch Germany James Bland England Theophilus Brown California Jimin Chae Korea James Chaffee California Christina Christofi Cyprus Dan Corbin California Frank Damiano California Amanda Danitschek California Ilarea Rosselli Del Turco Italy Yousef Fetis Libya Najla Shawkat Fitouri Libya Deanna Forbes California Kim Froshin California Philippe Gandiol California Boyd Gavin California Irene Cuadrado Hernandez Spain Musba Kabeer Libya Chris Liberti North Carolina Pat Mahony California Guillette Monchy France Ti-a Thuy Nyugen Vietnam Gage Opdenbrouw California Avery Palmer California Roland Petersen California Jose Luis Cena Ruiz Spain Eduardo Alvarado Sánchez-Cortés Spain Robert Schlegal Oregon Julie Smiley California Laikas Stavrou Cyprus John Tarahteeff California James Weeks California